YouCompleteMe is a very powerful code completion engine built for the vim editor. It has several completion engines for many languages including C/C++, Rust, Go, Python, Javascript among others. It contains two parts: a vim-plugin and a daemon.
A very simple explanation of how YouCompleteMe works is by starting a server whenever a file is opened whose filetype corresponds to one of the installed languages engines. After this, the file is analyzed by communicating with from vim using the vim plugin (client) to the daemon (server). The languages for which YouCompleteMe provides auto completion are selected are install time, therefore if you don’t explicitly install it selecting a language, autocompletion for that language will probably be disabled.
For Javascript, tern is used for the code analysis. Tern itself
requires a .tern-project
or a .tern-config
file describing the specific
configuration in the root of the project or above or the home directory
respectively. Tern then opens a server in a unused port that listens for POST
requests from a client that asks questions about the code in the form of JSON.
When vim is started is runs tern in a separate process and starts the querying whenever possible as described before.
In addition, tern supports server plugins, which are normal Javascript programs that add extra functionality to the server. There are a few plugins that come with the distribution such as doc and nodejs.
Now what if I wanted to develop a Chrome Extension and wanted the autocompletion for the Chrome API in vim?
Well since tern supports this it would be only a matter of installing the tern
plugin and adding the plugin to the .tern-project
First installing the tern Chrome Extension: I found this tern-chrome-extension which worked pretty well.
And we can’t just install it in the project directory that would install it in
the node modules
but vim(and tern) would be aware of it. We have to install it
in node_modules
of the tern instance that’s run by vim.
To find it we run, with a vim instance reading a Javascript file:
ps aux | grep tern
We find that the process is running as:
/usr/bin/node /home/user/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/third_party/tern_runtime/node_modules/tern/bin/tern --port 46973 --host --persistent --no-port-file
We want to navigate to this directory /home/user/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/third_party/tern_runtime/
, because the node_modules
is the place where we want it to be installed.
We run:
npm install --prefix . tern-chrome-extension
And we make sure everything went ok by checking if there’s a directory with
that name in node_modules
or in the package.json
$ cat package.json
"description": "ycmd tern runtime area with required tern version and plugins",
"dependencies": {
"tern": "0.21.0",
"tern-chrome-extension": "^46.1.20160420"
Now all that’s needed to create/edit the .tern-project
file, and add the
chrome-extension to the plugins section.
$ cat .tern-project
"libs": [
"plugins": {
"node": {},
"chrome-extension": {}
That’s it! Now you can enjoy having the Chrome API completion in vim.
Last modified on 2018-04-20
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